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 A change of scenery

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Matthew Daniels
Charms Professor
Matthew Daniels

Posts : 18
Galleons : 29

A change of scenery Empty
PostSubject: A change of scenery   A change of scenery EmptyMon Nov 21, 2011 7:10 am

Matthew was walking along a path in Hogsmead as he enjoyed the smoke from the last of his cigarette filling his lungs. He flicked the end onto the ground and crushed it with the heel of his shoe. He had been everywhere he needed to go that day and was left with two options; go back to the school or head into one of the pubs for a quick drink or two. So of course, he walked into the Hog's Head with his usual cheerful smile plastered on his face. He would usually have gone to the Three Broomsticks instead. Yet, he felt like going somewhere different today and the Hog's Head was certainly different from the other pub in Hogsmead.

As he walked over to the bar, he observed the sights around him. He wasn't too sure if he was surprised or not that a lot of the wizards and witches had hoods hiding there faces. Either way, it wasn't any of his business. He pulled up a stool, quick to order a nice firewhisky.
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Axelle Lynne
Axelle Lynne

Location : In the Library
Posts : 12
Galleons : 15

A change of scenery Empty
PostSubject: Re: A change of scenery   A change of scenery EmptyMon Nov 21, 2011 8:56 pm

Axelle walked into The Hog's Head, half wondering what the hell she was doing there and half wondering how she even managed to get there. Axelle had just decided to take a break from work and wonder into Hogsmeade for some sweets, but apparently her feet had other ideas. Apparently her feet wanted her to go into a pub. Alright, fair enough.

Walking over to the bar, Axelle decided to order a firewhiskey. She never usually drank firewhiskey, but Axelle was in a good mood and that was rare lately. She had been so busy that Axelle wasn't able to unwound.

Turning slightly, Axelle felt her hand hit someone. Looking at the person with wide eyes, Axelle smiled sheepishly. "I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed.
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Matthew Daniels
Charms Professor
Matthew Daniels

Posts : 18
Galleons : 29

A change of scenery Empty
PostSubject: Re: A change of scenery   A change of scenery EmptyMon Nov 21, 2011 9:34 pm

Matthew picked up the glass and took a small sip. He savored the taste and took another glance around him. There was nothing out of the ordinary but there was still a strange feeling that surrounded the bar. Nothing his drink couldn't get rid of.

He was enjoying his drink when he suddenly felt something hit him. Drawing for his wand, he looked up to see what it was. It was a women from the school. The librarian if he remembered correctly. Chuckling at his over reaction, he relaxed.

"It's quite alright. You might want to be careful here though, for your safety of course" he suggested, smiling at her. "You wouldn't want to knock into the wrong person."
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