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60 years after the Battle of Hogwarts, there is still a battle of Dark and Light. Which side will you choose?
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Date: January 4 through March 15th
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 Hogsmeade Jobs

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2 posters
Sirena Potter
Sirena Potter

Location : Hogwarts
Posts : 105
Galleons : 2147483647

Hogsmeade Jobs Empty
PostSubject: Hogsmeade Jobs   Hogsmeade Jobs EmptySun Jun 05, 2011 5:54 pm

Dervish and Banges

Shopkeeper (1):
Workers (3):

Gladrags Wizardwear
Shopkeeper (1):
Seamstresses (2):
Workers (2):

Post Office
Owner (1):
Workers (2):

Shopkeeper: Syndal Halsey
Workers (3):

Zonko's Joke Shop

Shopkeeper (1):
Workers (3):

The Three Broomsticks
Shopkeeper (1):
Workers (3):

The Hog's Head:
Shopkeeper (1):
Workers (3):

And remember the shopkeepers must make their own products and prices! Thank you!

Apply for a job~

Position Wanted:
RP sample of work:

Last edited by Sirena Potter on Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Syndal Halsey
Honeydukes Shopkeeper
Syndal Halsey

Location : With her son
Posts : 12
Galleons : 17

Hogsmeade Jobs Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hogsmeade Jobs   Hogsmeade Jobs EmptySun Nov 20, 2011 8:55 pm

Name: Syndal Halsey
Age: 25
Position Wanted: Shopkeeper of Honeydukes
RP sample of work:
Syndal picked up Carson and set him on the counter. Carson, who was four years old and extremely curious, chewed on a sugar quill as Syndal went to go open up the shop. Since the Hogwarts students had arrived, Syndal was able to focus on running her shop and not on her husbands death.

Yeah, probably shouldn't have thought of that.

"MUMMY!" Carson yelled, causing her to turn around to face her son. Her son who had apparently gotten into the cash register and galleons were everywhere.

"Carson," Syndal groaned, as she began picking up the galleons. After she had picked up most of the galleons, Syndal heard the bell on the door chime. Standing up, Syndal unfortunately hit her head on the bottom of the counter. "BLOODY HELL!" She exclaimed, rubbing the bump on her head as she stood up.

"Hello," She said slightly breathless. "Welcome to Honeydukes." Carson giggled, "YEAH! HONEYDUKES!"
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